Cygnar: Thunderhead's New Model - Bell of Lost Souls
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Cygnar: Thunderhead’s New Model

2 Minute Read
May 20 2016
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Disco Thunderhead no more.  The new privateer model update for the thunderhead is here!

Privateer has come out with a new update to the classic thunderhead.  Going from the metal clunky model to this new lightweight plastic kit.  Not only did the model weight get lighter. it is bigger then the original. A more representative of the great creation Nemo has crafted.  It also lost the joking DJ’ing pose that will is pretty iconic from the classic model.



New vs old



A road down memory lane:


MK3 is around the corner but, I wanted to take a look at some of the synergies of this classic model.  This model has a 6″ pulse that can leave your opponents infantry a charred mess on the field.  Take the bile thrall 6″ template and double it because it is 360 not just the 180degree arc.  The funny thing is it will fry your models too so be really high armor or immune to electricity.

This is cygnars first character jack and has been shooting lighting at enemies for years.  It’s gun is a decent Pow13 and has sustained attack with rate of fire 3.  Nemo1 could give it 5 focus for maximum damage output or Nemo3 could feat to get additional dice of damage on the electric.  Thunderhead always needed help killing heavies as he is a on the low end of the power scale with his melee fists.  Most nemo’s had a strength buff so not a big deal.

What’s in store for this ancient warrior?

Will Thunderhead stay in his current incarnation?  He is a little rules heavy and from the rumor mongering MK3 is all about easy straightforward rules.  If he loses his pulse he should get a significant reduction in points.



What do you think BoLS of the model update?  Will you be upgrading or keeping the classic DJ thunderhead.  Please share in your comments below.

Author: Revenant
  • Cygnar: "Ace" Under the Microscope