D&D: Curse of Strahd Walkthrough Poster

Artist Jason Thompson creates one insanely detailed and funny walkthrough poster for D&D’s latest, Curse of Strahd. Come see:
About the Artist:
Jason Thompson (@mockman) is a comic artist and illustrator. His works include H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, Manga: The Complete Guide, King of RPGs (with Victor Hao), The Map of Zombies, and the webcomicThe Stiff at www.mockman.com (go visit him!)
Preview map, follow link below for high-res version
The Poster:
Jason’s poster walks you though the story, locations and events of Curse of Strahd. He previously created a full walkthrough map of the original Ravenloft Module 16. Come see Jason’s recent efforts after turning his pen to the latest D&D adventure in the land of Barovia. Along the way, you will see base-jumping NPCs, stout shopkeeper’s nephews, and revenge-fueled goats!
High Resolution (1.4 MB)
~I don’t even want to think about how much time that took to make.