Fritz’s Tabletop – Your First Dungeons & Dragons Adventures

In this weeks Tabletop we explore some ideas to keep in mind when you run your first few Dungeons & Dragons adventures.
From behind the Dungeon Master’s screen the DM has an awesome amount of responsibilities in managing the rules, keeping the narrative going, and dealing with the players, but in return the rewards are great in creating and watching the story unfold. In this weeks tabletop post we are going to explore some ideas to keep in mind when you run your first few Dungeons & Dragons adventures…
Let’s walk though a sample adventure looking at some of the finer points of being a Dungeon Master.
Every adventure needs some bad guys for the party to defeat- let’s look at how we can play them from a narrative perspective.
What about power gamer? Deal with them swiftly, but keep the game moving.
~See you on the table.
For more Dungeons & Dragons articles check out my D&D blog here: The Eternal Dungeon Master.