The Leyline – Episode 27: Circle Orboros Mk3 Spoilers
Welcome to the Leyline, the Circle Orboros Podcast. In this episode we are covering the latest reveals for V.3
On this weeks Mk. d3 Spoiler-isode, Bret, Dan, and Chandler go over their top picks for most exciting solos, units, warbeasts, and warlocks based on the recent Mk. III card spoilers. We delve into the new Wolf Sworn thematic Circle subheader, why our old magic monkey may finally be playable, and Chandler explains why Brennos gets to come out of the trashbag and get some time back on the table.
The Leyline is a weekly Circle Orboros focused podcast featuring hosts Emanuel Class, Bret Fogel, Chandler Torres, and Dan Yount. Each week we will talk about Circle topics and experiences ranging from beginner to advanced levels, and occasionally talking with prominent Circle players in the WarmaHordes community.
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