Top Dozen 40K FAQ Changes
3 Minute Read
May 5 2016

Goatboy here to talk over the biggest changes coming to the Grimdark with the new GW Draft FAQ.
Soon to be an endangered species for non Space Wolves
1. Battle Brothers can no longer start out deploy in each other’s transports. No more Drop Pods bought for friends or rhinos.
2. Skyfire Blasts can hit Flyers. Maybe you will see more of these!
3. Blasts Specifically hit all levels now – so be prepared for lots of Thunderfire and other nonsense.
4. When destroying a walker vehicle you don’t get to consolidate.
5. Super Heavy walkers can now shoot 360″.
6. Scout moves are right after the Seize the Initiative.
7. A unit can only cast a power once – so even if you are a ton of psychic ICs you can only cast once.
8. Unless noted – effects do not pass out from inside a transport vehicle – so a Culexius can’t do his mind stuff since he is considered not on the table. Same with Etheral or any other power unless specifically stated.
9. Void shields only work for those units fully within the 12″ bubble – so no toe in part of it.
10. Only one model per unit can use a grenade – so only one meltabomb, krak grenade, etc in assault. So sorry Swooping Hawks, Tankbustas and Fire Dragons!
11 (bonus change!). No more toe-in terrain for MC’s and GCs. You have to be 25% physically blocked to get cover.
12 (double bonuschange!) ICs do NOT gain the special rules/formation benefits of units they join!
~Who do you think the biggest winners and losers are?

Author: Thomas / Goatboy