Warhammer Fest 2016: Red Scorpions & More!

Forge World shows off some new Red Scorpion’s at Warhammer Fest 2016 – There is a Leviathan Dreadnought in the mix…
via Battlebunnies
That last pic is interesting because it alludes to a rumor got from the lounge today from Mr Mystery who is in attendance.
via Mr Mystery
The next Imperial Armour book is Tau vs Mechanicum…
If that is the case, it makes even more sense why Forge World dropped the updated Barracuda news yesterday. Exciting times for Tau, Mechanicum and Red Scorpions fans. Exciting times, indeed…
For More PICS check out the BoLS Lounge thread:
Warhammer Fest 2016 Round-Up
Leviathan Dreadnought…Must resist urge to splurge on 3…