Warhammer Fest 2016: Round-Up

LOTS of great new stuff broke this weekend, did you catch it all? Well come take a look and see if you missed anything!
Warhammer Fest 2016: First Wave Teaser
New gamer swag-bag goodies – Shirts and caps!
Warhammer Fest 2016: Blood Bowl Sighting
It’s the Return of a Classic!
Blood Bowl: Pics, Release Plans & More!
Even MORE Blood Bowl Info!
Warhammer Fest 2016: Tau Supremacy armor Unleashed
The Tau Suits get a TITANIC sized upgrade!
Warhammer Fest 2016: Leman Russ & More Transfers!
Leman Russ and a slew of transfer sheets!
Warhammer Fest 2016: Horus Heresy Accessories & More
Horus Heresy brings the Close Combat Accessories to bare!
Warhammer Fest 2016: Acastus Porphyrion Knight Spotted
There is a new Knight coming to town…
Warhammer Fest 2016: Forge World Horus Heresy Seminar Pics
It’s a new Horus Heresy Seminar info dump!
Warhammer Fest 2016: Red Scorpions & More!
Red Scorpions get a Leviathan Dreadnought of their own…
Age of Sigmar Fey Sylcaneth & “An Unexpected” Surprise
Warhammer Fest wasn’t ALL 40k – AoS gets some attention as well as a “short” surprise…
Adeptus Titanicus: The Return of EPIC Latest!
Titans will walk among us…a new scale and some new toys to play with!
Black Library: Future Primarch Releases
Many Primarchs on the way from Black Library.
For me, High marks for Blood Bowl and the Red Scorpion Dread! I was also pleased to see an AoS tease with the Big Beetle – really hope that becomes an actual model one day. Overall. pretty good show and tons of great stuff. Also a BIG thanks for all those people with boots on the ground and cameras (or smart phones) in tow. Thanks for posting pics from those of us who weren’t able to attend!
What was your favorite new thing spotted at Warhammer Fest this year?