Warhammer Quest Silver Tower: Villainous Warscrolls

It was only a matter of time. Come see the Age of Sigmar warscrolls for all the bad plastic dudesmen from Silver Tower.
Now you can drop all these bad fellows right into your Age of Sigmar games. Come on General’s Handbook – HURRY UP!
images via IMGUR 5-17-2016
Here are just a few samples
Pictured: Tzeentch Daemons – you’ll see…
Ok, let’s start on our “How to Kill Tzeentch Daemons” flowchart:
Start with one of these cuddly pink dudes – now kill him brave heroes!
Watch how the pink ones split to become blue ones…
…then the blue ones become burning ones…
To round out some samples, here’s the big lunk – with a gigantic wand of fire!
I really hope all you adventurers are wearing fireproof clothes.
Silver Tower Roundup
go look, more pics
~Which one’s your favorite? I LOVE the Blue Horrors myself – such a nuisance to get rid of…