40k Conspiracy – Where is That Primarch?!

The 40k universe is a big place home to many delightful mysteries. Today we’ll take a look at one of them and try to add up all the factors.
Trazyn the Infinite Is Our Primary Suspect
When the Necrons got their 5th Edition book, aside from some significant changes to the old lore (which merits its own article), there were some neat additions to the story of the Necrons via some shiny (or rusty, depending on regular oil changes) new characters. One such character is Trazyn the Infinite, and this guy takes the cake for quirky intrigue among his peers in the Necron Dynasties. It may not seem like it now but the Necrons as a playable army were a ‘latecomer’ to the 40k game being introduced in the 90s. They got ‘spirit’ and a solid place in the lore during a period when GW really tried to build races like the Tau and these Necrons into the cosmic fabric – like they were always there.
Trazyn is a crazy, metal Kleptomaniac who lives by the phrase “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine, too.” He wants ALL of the things, and in his quest to get them, an interesting question has been raised at the description of one item in his collection: “A giant of a man clad in baroque power armor.” This begs the question: could Trazyn have one of the lost Primarchs in his collection? If so, which one would it be? To be fair, any space marine could be called a giant and the baroque power armor could be anyone’s right but if this wasn’t foreshadowing something significant why even mention it?
Stop, Collaborate, and Listen
With a description that vague, it could be anyone, right? So, let’s look at what we do know. Of course, “baroque” power armor is hard to come by these days, so it stands to reason that it could be Heresy-Era armor. Primarchs, by Space Marine standards, are pretty giant. So yes, it could be a Primarch, maybe if you squint your eyes a certain way?
Let’s look at his modern interactions with Space Marines. Who does Klepto-metal like to pick on? The Salamanders. He’s got some kind of obsession with getting the relics of the Salamanders chapter, and specifically the relics that Vulkan He’Stan has in his possession. Relics that – when all gathered – will lead the Salamanders to their lost father. Relics that at one point in time belonged or were made by Vulkan himself. And, if the Horus Heresy has taught us anything, its that “Vulkan Lives” is the “Hail Hydra” of the grimdark.
Many of us hobbyists are collectors and have a compulsive need to “finish the set,” which explains why I needed to get ANOTHER terminator librarian when they come out with a new model… Is Trazyn trying to catch them all too? Does he need to steal the relics of Vulkan so he can sell them to the Emperor on eBay? Is it possible that the Perpetual life spark could lead to the rebirth of the Necrontyr? The Necrons were living breathing people and some of them may not like their immortal metal bodies. This is not even too far out of the realm of possibility given the 30k and 40k story lines.
The signs may be pointing to Trazyn actually having a Primarch just waiting to be resurrected in the 40k world. This could all lead to some sort of ultimate conflict between one of our favorite marine chapters and the Necrons.
Hold on thar, babalooie…
Of course, do we know for sure it’s even a primarch? Some Black Library publications have hinted that there is a Deathwatch Space Marine – brother Cassiel of the Blood Angels – frozen in old-school Deathwatch armor. Could this be the man that they mean? Of course, this guy is far from the only Space Marine in Trazyn’s collection. It is possible that we have convinced ourselves of the significance of this mention and it was just a throw away line of text from a time period when the background was in flux. I don’t know.
Part of me wants to believe that it is a Primarch.
~So what do you think? Does Trazyn have the lord of the Salamanders in stasis, or are we just out of our Vulkan minds? Weigh in in the comments below and let us know what YOU think it is.
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