40K: Stormcloud Attack: Gameplay Example

Pilots to your fighters! Come see the latest set of gameplay examples from this weekend’s new GW boardgame!
It looks like miniwars.eu got their hands on the latest set of pics this week. Here’s a quick taste for us to talk about:
Going over the basics of the game we see the following:
- 12 core missions
- Gameplay continues until one side is destroyed or flees the table.
- There is an app coming with rules for all flyers in it.
- Each aircraft has a Power Setting and Structure Points statistic.
- Each turn is broken up into 3 “Impulses”.
- Within each Impulse, each player may move and take actions.
- Each flyer has a unique set of maneuvers it may use.
Ok, some initial thoughts. this is kind of a giant 28mm scale version of X-wing, or at least it may be aspiring to be. Note also the 3-impulse phases per turn, and the unique set of maneuvers available per flyer. It’s not exactly an X-wing movement dial, but it’s not too different either in concept…
I think that with the runaway success of X-wing, every company is going to look at thier existing assets and see what they can put together to try to bottle a little of that magic. We’ve seen TANKS from Battlefront, the licensed Star Trek/D&D Attack Wing from Wizkids and I would put these games in that broad group as well.
And to be honest I don’t see anything wrong with that. All industries follow winning trends – so why would we expect the tabletop games niche to be any different? I’d play a lot more games with my flyers if it was 40K sized X-Wing games – that sounds pretty great to me!
See More of the Gameplay Example Here
~Give em hell pilots!