Age of Sigmar: General’s Handbook Release Dates

At long last info is trickling out on exactly when the General’s Handbook will be arriving!
With the Age of Sigmar Summer Global Campaign starting up in July, everyone is wondering:
We all want our rules for organized play and points for every warscroll in the 8 Realms.
Here’s the first info doing the rounds from Dakka’s str00dles1:
“Talked to my FLGS who spoke to the GW Rep.
FLGS can be in the campaign to “shape the world of AOS”
Our local one is. There will be missions to play, in a way like a league but every victory you get, the store gives you a card and a special code where you enter it on the gw site and paste your battle report. Who won, factions, etc
The book with points comes out July 21st. Stores who are participating gets a store copy 3 weeks early. Our store was told we would have it July 1st, and that anyone playing in the campaign thing can use it of course to build armies.”
Looking at the Calendar
So taking a look at the calendar looks like this for the following Saturdays:
Jun 18 (this Saturday) CSM/Scions Start Collecting Boxes
Jun 25 Eldar/Dark Eldar Start Collecting Boxes
July 2 General’s Handbook Early Retailer Release (exact date listed is preceding Friday)
July 9 ???
July 16 AoS Global Campaign Begins (exact date is preceding Thursday)
July 23 General’s Handbook Global Release (exact date listed is preceding Thursday)
~ Work from retailers is that GW is planning a loud ramp-up to the July 14th campaign kickoff. It’s about to get busy!