Amazing Fantasy Busts from Shieldwolf

If you’re looking for a summer painting project you need to take a look at these sculpts!
After the success of their Monuments of Glory project, Shieldwolf has created and launched a new line of fantastic busts that are perfect for a painting project between armies. The initial releases consist of the dreadful Talliareum Ogre Mercenary sculpted by the very talented Giorgos Tsougkoutzidis.
The fright-less Krumvaal (Barbarian) Warrior of Shieldwolf’s Northern Alliance faction, again sculpted by Giorgos Tsougkoutzidis.
Also from Shieldwolf’s Northern Alliance faction: the Warmaiden Chieftess.
The jewel of this series towers over everything else, and weighs in at over 1.5kg! This exceptional piece of work was also created by Giorgos Tsougkoutzidis. Here’s a sneak peak…
There are even more of these great quality busts available on the Sheildwolf Miniatures website
What do you think of these sculpts?