General’s Handbook, Star Wars, Eldar, & More!

It’s been a BUSY weekend for tabletop. Get in here and catch up to start off your week right!
GW: New Releases 6-25-2016 “Pricing & Links”
Stormcloud Attack Pre-orders, a Blood Angels Start Collecting Box & More!
Forge World:1 New Mini – 2 Sets of Rules!
The Exclusive Weekend only Forge World Terminator is here, but GW has two competing sets of rules doing the rounds.
Gorechosen: GW’s Newest Boardgame
You heard that right, there is a new GW boardgame sighting. If you love Khorne, you’re going to love this one.
D&D: Is This the Longest Running Campaign Ever?
Come listen to DM Robert Warbaugh talk about 34 years of adventures, and what it takes to run years long campaign.
BREAKING: AoS Generals Handbook “In Hand”
The first sighting of the actual General’s Handbook is here! Come see the future of the 8 realms.
Bretonnia & Duardin Points for Age of Sigmar!
Early sightings of the new Age of Sigmar Duardin and Bretonnia army – here’s the latest from the General’s Handbook:
Last but not least… (yes, we make Haakon Slash work on weekends)
Geekery: New Rogue One Photos and Vader News
Lucas Arts has turned on the marketing machine for this movie, finally. Come take a look at all the pretty stills!
Alright- now onto the week!