Goatboy’s 40k: Dreadnought Armageddon!

Welcome to a wild and wooly dreadnough-tastic 40k article by the one and only Goatboy.
Today we got another list article as 40k has been a bit slow. While we have had some cool combo boxes coming out and even some FAQ’s – there isn’t a whole lot of new “errata” that has the 40k groups going all nutty. The only major thing that came out of the FAQs so far is the wide spread “dreadnought” upgrade we got and today’s list reflects that.
Insert into sock, wield to defend your home
I won’t lie to you – I have always loved the dreadnought. Back when I initially started with some Chaos Miniatures I immediately gravitated towards the terrible metal Dreadnought. That was the model that caused me one of my greatest glueing mistakes (somehow dropping a glop of glue in-between my calf and thigh as I sat crossed legged… I had to shave a lovely hole in my leg hair while hoping around and screaming) but I still loved playing it. I have high hopes we will see a “fixed” Chaos Dreadnought but for right now I just have to look at the “good’ guy metallic coffins to find any bit of joy.
Today’s list looks at the under used dreadnoughts from the Space Wolves codex. I think the additional attacks has me wondering if the Storm Shield Dreadnought and the terribly named Murder Fang could actually be used to do some legit work. Sure the amount of grav on the table top is annoying but with a few long ranged Iron Priests protected by some puppies might let me get some use of a ton of metal running forward or dropping from the sky.
Let’s look at the options I have. The Wolves do not have access to the Iron Clad dreadnought. It is a damned shame as that guy is a serious pain in the ass when he drops in, flicks a booger at you, and dares you to break his armor 13 crotch guard. Still the Wolves have access to a plethora of Iron Priests and while you can spam the fixing agent with the Iron hands – this is Space Wolf list dangit!
Ok first thought was to use the Champions of Fenris Force Org. It gives me a ton of Elites – which will let me take more Dreadnoughts. I can also take a ton of HQ Iron Priests too to help fix my friends. Plus I could utilize some other dumb stuff to help keep my guys alive and drop a crap ton of dreads into the enemies lines.
Champions of Fenris – Company of the Great Wolf
HQ: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, Cyber Wolves X 4
HQ: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, Cyber Wolves X 4
HQ: Bjorn, Drop pod
Elite: Murderfang, Drop Pod
Elite: Dreadnought, Venerable, Blizzard Axe/Shield, Drop Pod (I know it is the Fenris Great Axe but Blizzard Axe makes me laugh)
Elite: Dreadnought, Venerable, Blizzard Axe/Shield, Drop Pod
Elite: Dreadnought, Venerable, Blizzard Axe/Shield, Drop Pod
Formation: Heralds of the Great Wolf
Rune Priest, Lvl 2, Bike, Runic Armor
Wolf Priest, Bike, Runic Armor
Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, Cyber Wolves X 4
The Heralds are there to allow your 3 Iron Priest a way to start on the board and maybe survive some shooting. Their ability to ignore first failed “invulnerable” saves can be very powerful when you throw them back from the 2 initial IC Iron priests. Plus the unit has a 6+ FNP and maybe something neat spell wise from the Rune Priest. Veil of time is pretty bonkers on the unit too. Plus I was able to throw Bjorn in there as the ultimate Dreadnought Jerk. I think you could drop him but it doesn’t feel right to have a dreadnought army without Bjorn. Plus he comes in with 6 attacks due to the lovely new update.
But still – is this dreadnought heavy enough? I looked at the Ancients of the Fang formation. You get up to 5 Dreadnoughts, an Iron Priest, and some nifty rules. If 3 of the Dreads are alive they all get to reroll hits in close combat, Space Wolves near the dreads get Stubborn, and if they are near their Iron Priest they get IWND. Overall it isn’t a terrible set of rules other then having to field them into one big fat unit of Death.
Formation: Ancients of the Fang
Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, Cyber Wolves X 4
Dreadnought, Venerable, Blizzard Axe/Shield
Dreadnought, Venerable, Blizzard Axe/Shield
Dreadnought, Venerable, Blizzard Axe/Shield
Company of the Great Wolf
HQ: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, Cyber Wolves X 4
HQ: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, Cyber Wolves X 4
Elite: Murderfang, Drop Pod
Elite: Dreadnought, Drop Pod
Elite: Dreadnought, Drop Pod
Formation: Wolfkin
Fenris Wolves X 15
Fenris Wolves X 15
The idea of this one is using the Stubborn nature of the Dreads mixed with the ability to actively protect them with a horde of puppy dogs. This way you can set up charges that limit the amount of “damage” they could take back and let them go crazy on a unit or two. Plus this army has 8 Dreadnoughts in there and a ton of “steel” that falls from the heavens and crashes into the enemies front lines.
Of course these lists are really kinda goofy and designed to play fast and get involved – whether that means watching a ton of your vehicles blowing up or seeing your opponent grimace as they crush into combat, get the axes swinging, and cause a ton of pain. Murderfang seems pretty dang interesting as he comes in with 7 basic attacks starting (6 + 1 for 2 weapons), then +2 to for charging and if he is outnumbered he gets another d3 on top of all of that. 10-12 attacks, hitting on 3+’s most likely and rerolling to wound is an msu killing machine.
List some other Dreadnought heavy armies. I know there is an Iron Hands one we could throw out with a ton of Iron Clads, Tech Marines, and other goodies. I am sure a White Scars army that utilizes a ton of Hit and Run robots seems good too. I am hoping we see something good come out for Chaos that isn’t a Cabal of Sorcerers. Even the Helbrute formation might actually be good if we had access to more attacks.
~Do you think the +2A Dreadnought FAQ is enough to get them back on the tabletop?