Gorechosen: GW’s Newest Boardgame

You heard that right, there is a new GW boardgame sighting. If you love Khorne, you’re going to love this one:
via barcode and dakka’s chikout 6-26-2016
Gorechosen: A Game of Brutal Arena Combat in the Age of Sigmar $60
September 2016
2-4 Players
Playtime: 60 minutes
- 4 Gorechosen
- Arena board
- 4 Fighter Reference Cards
- 52 Action, Initiative and Critical Injury cards
- Tokens
- Dice
I think this one falls firmly in the introductory category as we saw with Lost Patrol. Something really quick, and simple set in the world of Age of Sigmar.
~All abord the GW Boardgame Train!