HOBBY: The Bigboss’ Week of Blogging #86

More adversaries for WHQ Silver Tower ready for paint, including the Librarian for the first trial!
Hi! I’m Tommy from the blog bigbossredskullz. I’m also on Facebook. Here’s what I’ve been doing the last week.
They’re great sculpts but identical as well as a lot of clutter with all of the arms and stuff so I pretty much just simplified them and made them more individual.
I haven’t cheated but from one of the WDs and in the novella the Librarian is the first guy you met. So I decided to make my own from a blue horror, kroot legs and skaven books. This one can definitely double as a herald!
More here.
Not even the Ogroid Thaumaturge was safe from a bit converting!
More here.
That’s it for this week! Make sure you check out my blog regularly, I update several times a week!
Next week I really should have painted something but I still haven’t assembled everything I need from the box..