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Tabletop Spotlight: Start Collecting Eldar & Dark Eldar!

4 Minute Read
Jun 28 2016
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It’s a twofer! The Tabletop Spotlight is on BOTH the Eldar & Dark Eldar Start Collecting Sets!

Hey BoLS Readers – We had to show off both of the Eldarkin in the same video when Evan from Dragon’s Lair Comics & Fantasy came over. It’s the battle for your wallet – Eldar edition!

We’ve talked about both these sets already. If you’re looking for a really good value then these sets are great deals to begin with:

Eldar Start Collecting! Box

Eldar Jetbikes – $41

Eldar Farseer (on a Jetbike) – $33

Eldar Fire Prism – $49.50

Total: $123.50


Total Savings – $38.50


Dark Eldar Start Collecting! Box

Archon – $23

Raider – $37.25

Warriors – $29


Reavers – $39.50

Total: $128.75

Total Savings – $43.75

We also talked about the formations if you missed that as well. So I won’t get into the rules debate of these two kits and the dollar amount speaks for themselves. What I will talk about is what is actually in the kits and some of the options available because that’s really what I was curious about. With every one of the Start Collecting boxes I’ve wondered just how many of the options were included. Looking at the prices I would say “maybe they left out sprues and thats where the savings is coming from.” For the most part, these kits have been 100% accurate to their full box counter part.

The Eldar box allows you to build the Eldar Farseer Skyrunner or Eldar Warlock – with either a Witchblade or Signing Spear. The Jetbikes come with all the weapon upgrades (yes, even Scatter-Lasers for all 3). The Eldar Fireprism also has all the bits to build a Nightspinner variant – it does NOT have the extra bits for the Falcon or Wave Serpent. In some of the older boxes the Fire Prism was just an extra sprue added to the Wave Serpent/Falcon – but that was before the switch over to the newer plastics.

The Dark Eldar Start Collecting box has all the sprues from the kits listed above with nothing changed. I think it’s a better value, not just in dollar amount but in unit variety. But that’s one of the advantages of those cheaper-priced kits. I think I would have liked a Talos instead of the Reaver Jetbikes, but that’s mostly because I like the model and not so much for it’s in-game stats. That would have also differentiated it from the Eldar Kit as well.

Whenever I see these Start Collecting sets I always ask the question, “who are these sets designed for?” – they aren’t all created equally. I think the Eldar one is really for a player that wants to add them to your existing force. It’s not a BAD option for a new player, it just doesn’t have all the same “tools-in-the-toolbox,” so to speak. The Dark Eldar one seems to have a more well-rounded load-out. Of the two, The Dark Eldar seems to be a “better” Start Collecting set for a new player. The formation is also a bit more useful for the Dark Eldar comparatively.


Overall, both of these sets are really good values, have the appropriate sprues with tons of options and will work for new and existing players. So if you’re looking to start Eldar of either flavor then check out the new Start Collecting sets from GW.

Start Collecting Eldar $85


Though they once ruled the stars, the Eldar brought about a terrible curse that shattered their empire forever. Crossing the galaxy on their vast world-ships, lead by the most powerful psykers in the universe, they rage hard against the dying of the light. Under the leadership of Farseers, psychics capable of planning thousands of years into the future with patience and confidence unmatched by any race, the Eldar wish to see their empire burn brightly once more, illuminated by the glory of total war, before fate consigns them to dark oblivion.

This is a great-value box set that gives you an immediate collection of fantastic Eldar miniatures, which you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer 40,000! You’ll receive a Farseer Skyrunner, a Fire Prism, 3 Windriders and an exclusive Eldar Formation datasheet – special rules which confer certain abilities on this set when fielded together on the gaming table!

Start Collecting Dark Eldar $85


The Dark Eldar are black-hearted reavers to whom the galaxy and all of its peoples are but cattle to be enslaved at will. These alien pirates strike hard and fast from the shadows of the webway, vanishing again before the foe can fight back.

This is a great-value box set that gives you an immediate collection of fantastic Dark Eldar miniatures, which you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer 40,000! You’ll receive an Archon, a Raider, 3 Reaver Jetbikes, a set of 10 Kabalite Warriors and an exclusive Dark Eldar Formation datasheet – special rules which confer certain abilities on this set when fielded together on the gaming table!



The Eldar are HERE!

Author: Adam Harrison
  • 40K: New Eldar Releases - UNBOXED!

    Warhammer 40K