The Crusader’s Call – Episode 00: Protectorate V3 Reveals

Welcome to Crusader’s Call, the Protectorate of Menoth Podcast. In this episode we are covering Protectorate spoilers for V.3
Welcome to the Crusader’s Call! Meet our hosts Emanuel Class, Sam Ross, and Chandler Torres as we start the conversation about Protectorate of Menoth spoilers in the preparation for Mk. III! The hosts go over the recently spoiled Protectorate of Menoth Warcaster, Malekus, the Burning Truth and his battle box models, as well as an in-depth look at the Protectorate Insider from Privateer Press. We go over a bit of what the Crusader’s Call’s mission is, where we’re planning on going at the dawn of Mk. III, and why we should be excited about spreading the righteous flames in the new edition.
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