X-Wing: Imperials Claim Victory on Yavin!

The Imperials get ANOTHER big win in the X-Wing System Open Series – 4 down, 4 to go!
Hey BoLS Readers and X-Wing Pilots. Fantasy Flight Games is hosting the System Open Series which is 8 events in 8 different nations with the winner of each invited to the Corusacant Invitational in London, England!
If you’ve been keeping track, 4 of those events are now over and have been reported on. At the Hoth Open we had the Scum & Villiany set the pace with a tough and deadly triple JumpMaster 5000 list:
But the next two round the Empire players struck back picking-up two wins, back-to-back in the Jakku Open and the Endor Open.
Jakku Open – Winning Imperal List
Endor Open – Winning Imperial List
And now, after a tournament that started with an amazing 397 players, the Imperials have picked up another win at the Yavin Open! This event was held in Birmingham, United Kingdom and took place from June 4th – 5th. After the first day a whopping 119 players made the cut and the second day of competition was just as grueling as the first.
But at the end of the day, only 1 player would be declared Winner of the Yavin Open: Andrew Pattison!
Andrew ran a very “meat & potatoes” list – it wasn’t flashy but it certainly got the job done. The TIE Swarm reigned supreme that day:
FFG had a chance to interview Andrew after his big win and asked him for tips on playing his list:
“Andrew: “Honestly, you have to have quite a bit of practice to get the most out of a [TIE] Swarm like this. You need to have a plan going into every game and be very precise in your setup and movements. You need to learn to predict your opponent’s moves with a high degree of accuracy so that you can block them. They may be cheap, but your Academy Pilots are the most valuable tools in your squad. Finally, always remember, your overconfidence is your weakness—you have never won a game with TIEs until the last green dice has been rolled!” “
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That is some great advice from the winner – practice makes perfect! This list is brutally effective even if it’s not very flashy. Crack Shot may seem like a waste at first, but when you take in en masse it can become devastating.
Also, dealing with 7 TIE fighters is no joke. It’s a lot of dice coming your way no matter how you slice it and like Andrew said, if you get good with blocking your opponent, those cheap Academy Pilots are worth their weight in gold!
The Coruscant Invitational is next month and even if you can’t attend you can still vote to select the ships that the players will have to use at the event!
If you’d like the full detailed rundown you can read the full article from Fantasy Flight Games.
The Imperials have claimed 3 out of 4 wins reported so far – the rebels better find a new hope…and FAST!
Top Image from “TIE Fighter – Short Film” – it’s awesome, go watch it!