40K: New Chaos Space Marine FAQ Spotted!

Kharn has come to claim Invisible skulls – The Chaos Space Marine FAQ is out now!
via Games Workshop (Warhammer 40,000 Facebook)
“This week’s draft FAQ is the turn of the Chaos Space Marines.
We know you folks in the Eye have been waiting a long time for your turn, and yes – Helbrutes did get their extra attacks.Here’s what you need to do:
– Read through these draft FAQs
– If you think any answers need clarification, post up a comment on the relevant image
– Make sure your question is concisely written, and in plain EnglishDo the answers all make sense? Are they clear? Do they throw up any more potential issues?
You have a week to get your comments in, then we’ll pass them on to the rules guys for the final FAQs.
AdvertisementWe’ll be posting more FAQ drafts for feedback over the new few weeks, so if you’re eagerly awaiting the one for your codex, don’t worry, we’re on it.
Finally, we wanted to say thanks again to all of you who sent in your questions – you’re helping to making the game we all love even better.”
So Khorne doesn’t care if your skulls are invisible – and neither does Kharn! And how about those Helbrute buffs? Like their Dreadnought cousins they also learned Kung-Fu this summer! What do you think CSM players – Anything jumping out at you?
You can find these and all the other FAQ’s released right here:
Warhammer 40,000 FAQ (2016)
Just remember, when you visit the Skull Throne, it’s actually bigger than it looks on account of all the invisible skulls!