AoS: Forge World Updates Matched Play Points

Forge World updates the Matched Play points for all your AoS Monstrous Arcanum units & MORE!
Did you have an entire legion of Azgorh Army and were feeling left out from Age of Sigmar because points returned? Maybe you had a few Chaos Beasties and have been waiting to use them in Matched Play games? Well the wait is over! Forge World has just released an update to go along with the General’s Handbook – now you’ve got points for all your Forge World goodies!
via Forge World
Available to download today is our Warhammer Age of Sigmar Matched Play Update. Made for use with the new Generals Handbook, this update provides you with point values for your Warhammer Age of Sigmar models from Forge World. From Shar’tor the Executioner to the mighty Dread Saurian, you’ll find them in here.
Looking over the points document, it’s nice to see the Chaos Dwarf Legion of Azgorh getting more attention. Seeing them around gives me hope that we might get another crazy stab at Hobgoblins one day…
Aside from the Legion of Azgorh love, I appreciate the Monstrous Arcanum update too. Now you’ve got free warscrolls & free points to use all those awesome monsters in your games of Age of Sigmar, too!
Watch out for Mournguls – those guys are jerks to deal with!
What’s your favorite Forge World Unit in Age of Sigmar? How do you feel about those points?