AoS: Season of War Launches Today!

The Games Workshop Summer Campaign for Age of Sigmar is HERE – The first reports are in…
The Season of War is upon us and the first results have already started to trickle in. These results do update in real-time (as far as we can tell) and it’s up to the participating stores to send in their results!
But for now, lets take a look at the cities under fire and how the battles are shaping up:
via Games Workshop
Looking at these preliminary results Order looks to have a solid lead everywhere and is close to 50% in the US! Chaos has some solid footing but has a lot of ground to gain all over. Outside the US, Death and Destruction are jockeying for position as well and seem to have gotten a good start, poised to take chunks out of the other sides. Inside the US, Death is apparently non-existent…Also Destruction and Order are beating the crud out of Chaos.
Keep in mind these results will probably fluctuate throughout the day. Store in the US are just getting their days started so I expect tomorrow we’ll see some big shifts for them. If your store has actually reported results you can find them and see how the battles are shaping up as well.
If you’re wanting to participate you can find a store near you at the website below:
Season of War Website
Only stores can report results and even if you’re not a fantastic Army General, you can still contribute to your side’s war effort on the Hobby front. This is a first Age of Sigmar Global Campaign and the first campaign we’ve seen from Games Workshop in a LONG time.
I’m hoping this becomes something they do more often for both 40k and AoS. Campaigns are great for all the stores and players that want to get involved because it gets the community excited. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go rally some Chaos troops and punch some Order in the face. Let’s win this one for [your patron Chaos God Here]!
The lines are drawn and your local gaming store is the battlefield – are you ready to make an impact?!