Breaking: PM May Talks Brexit with Minister of Magic

Late Wednesday night Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt met with new Muggle Prime Minster Theresa May.
London July 14 2016 – 9 AM
Late Wednesday night Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt met with new Muggle Prime Minster Theresa May. The traditional meeting between the leaders of the Muggle and Wizarding World took place among growing uncertainty as a result of the British vote to leave the European Union, known as Brexit.
May, a veteren of nearly twenty years of British politics, kept her normal calm and composed demeanor throughout her introduction to Minister Shacklebolt and his explanation of the Wizarding World. Though the full details of their meeting remain known only to the two Ministers there has been great speculation about the topics they covered.
Giants and Immigration
As most are aware the last giants had been driven out of the United Kingdom during the 1970s, however since the end of the Second Wizarding War a small number of giants have immigrated into the UK, many seeking political refuge. Now their legal status as citizens, along with that of a number of other magical creatures such as Vela and Vampires, living or working in the country is unknown with the threat of possible deportation hanging over them. Well known Vampire celebrity Sanguini is quoted as saying “I have lived and worked in this country for more than twenty years and I now rise for my undeathly sleep each night without knowing if I’ll have a coffin to come back to when the sun rises.”
Spokesman for the Giant Alliance Gwuap seen here in a debate with a former Ministry of Magic member.
Sporting Events
The referendum has caused great worry in how it will effect many international sporting events such as the Quidditch World Cup and the popular but controversial, Tri-Wizard Tournament. On Tuesday last a spokeswomen from the Department of Magical Games and Sports assured the public that it was “Business as usual” as far as they where concerned. Despite this many worry that increased border security and new visa restrictions will deter people from attending events. In a surprise move the headmaster of Durmstrang has stated reservations about his school continued willingness to work closely with Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the wake of Brexit.
Colorful events like this one may soon vanish from British shores
Leaving the ICW?
In the wake of the Brexit vote England’s continued membership in some organizations is now uncertain. Both the International Confederation of Wizards and The International Magical Trading Standards Body have stated a need to renegotiate Britain’s relationship to them. In addition both bodies are discussing moving their out of the current London offices they occupy.
Busy days at the Ministry of Magic will be the norm for sometime.
House Elf Rights
In the field of House Elf Rights, always a contentious subject, there is great debate on what Brexit could mean. While in recent years House Elves have won increasing rights due to the alliance between S.P.E.W. and similar continental organizations many worry that Brexit could undo this progress. In particular with much of the Leave Faction pushing to jettison the European Convention on Human and Near-Human Rights a move which would be a major blow to full House Elf Emancipation. S.P.E.W. spokeself Winky released a statement resting S.P.E.W.’s commitment to fighting for an end to mistreatment and prejudice no matter what setbacks occurred.
Never Forget
A Divided Nation
One of the most tangible results of the Breixt Referendum is the deep divisions within the Wizarding World it unearthed. Polling of our own wizard readers has shown a great split, with many younger wizards supporting staying in the EU, while older citizens prefer to go it alone. Their reasons are varied.
Former Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge for one campaigned hard for the Leave Vote. “In 1945 it was Britons, like Albus Dumbledore, who went over to the continent to stop Grindelwald. But when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was on the rise here, where were the Europeans? Nowhere to be found! In fact it was loose immigration control that allowed many who supported him to come to this country in the first place. I say good riddance to the EU!”
The Former Minister of Magic is a stalwart isolationist
Others such as Mr. Kreacher, a pensioner residing at Number 13 Grimmauld Place, had supported the Leave vote due to worries about immigrants taking jobs away from local born residents.
Mr Kreacher has long been an advocate for locket protection
Even such a surprising figure as Arthur Weasley were in favor of Brexit. “I spent the 90s working to prevent Ali Bashir and his like from importing their substandard flying carpets, only to have the EU undue all my hard work! Well I say, let Britons write laws for Britons!”
Among the younger generation however spirits ran high as anger over the vote boiled over. “I was hoping to send my daughter Roxanne to school at Beauxbatons.” Said Quidditch star Angelina Johnson, “But now I don’t know if that will be possible.”
Well known Auror Ron Weasley spoke out strongly against Brexit. “Back in school Dumbledore taught us that international co-operation was key to fighting the rise of the Dark Arts. I know he would not be in favor of this move, and neither am I.”
Weasley went on the add, “Of course Hermione agrees with me, or rather, I agree with her.”
When asked for a comment Quibbler Editor Luna Lovegood’s only response was “Nargles, must have been due to Nargles…” She was later heard to say that it was “The Rotfang Conspiracy all over again.”
Ms. Lovegood has long been respected among the community for her outspoken views
A few, such as the venerable Aberforth Dumbledore have remained mostly aloof from the situation. Though the old wizard did express sorrow on David Cameron’s resignation. “I always felt me and the old fellow had a few things in common. Sad to see him go.”
Aberforth working at the Hog’s Head Inn
Moving Forward
Though the full effects of the Brexit won’t be known until after Article 50 has been triggered and long negotiations undertaken the Minister of Magic is known to be taken steps to smooth over the process. Last week the Minster met with representatives of Gringotts Banks and he is known to be meeting with several other European Ministers in addition to his meeting with PM May. Once Article 50 is triggered it is expected that the International Confederation of Wizards will meet for in-depth negotiations. In a new statement put out this morning Minister Shacklebolt stated that “Though these are uncertain times we live in, and as another famous wizard once said, “The Night is Dark of Full of Terrors”, we must remember that we have weathered greater hardships and darker nights than this. My government will see us through this as a united and strong people.”
What future – the UK?
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