Cryx Colossals : Two Sinister Lists

In honor of the new kit being released we’ve some new edition lists including the awesome Cryx colossals!
Cryx were not always known for auto including a colossal in their lists in the last edition. This could easily change with the way the new edition is shaping out. Heavies are definitely appearing more and more. Combine that with banes losing stealth they will have a tough time getting across the field. Maybe it is time of the Cryx colossal?
Release the Kraken
The Kraken can get to some of the highest POW hitting in the game if it can get a few corpse tokens on it. Combine that with a debuff and effective POW25 is possibly. Only the hardest of targets could withstand a full round of that kind of pain.
For the Kraken I wanted to make a list that can increase it’s melee threat as well as having enough bodies around it to keep it somewhat protected.
Venethrax makes his battlegroup really terrifying vs living models. He stole away Terminal Velocity away from Mortenbrah in this edition and it really made him a dirty drop. Throw in some of the nastiest cheap heavies in the game in the seethers and you have a ball busting battlegroup. The Seethers combined with the Kraken can kill living models for days. Venethrax also has Mortality making higher armor/defense little less of a problem.
Venetrhax can make Hordes really sad if they don’t have a way to remove fury besides leeching. The Kraken can alpha into them and while under VENGEANCE of the DRAGONFATHER you can’t leech or allocate. If caught out the heavies will do very minimal damage back to the Kraken and friends.
The rest of the list is mainly jamming and backup. Use the thralls to block charge lanes to the Kraken and friends.
War Room Army
Cryx – BoLS Kraken and Friends
Theme: No Theme Selected
75 / 75 Army
Lich Lord Venethrax – WJ: +26
– Kraken – PC: 36 (Battlegroup Points Used: 26)
– Deathripper – PC: 6
– Seether – PC: 13
– Seether – PC: 13
Necrotech – PC: 2
Soul Trapper – PC: 1
Carrion Thralls – Leader & 9 Grunts: 10
Carrion Thralls – Leader & 9 Grunts: 10
Mechanithralls – Leader & 9 Grunts: 10
Skarre’s New Toy
The Sepulcher is a whole other beast entirely. While I think Denny1 runs the Sepulcher the best I wanted to try a recursion list. Recursion thralls took a hit in this edition as they can’t make a combat action. But, I still think it is worth trying out.
The idea of this list is to use Skarre1 feat more defensivly then offensively. I gave the Sepulcher to Aiakos for the speed buff and the Deathbringers spell can cause a lot of issues if your opponent wants to heal or repair. The Helldivers are kind of a gimmick with Skarre. But, they are cheap and annoying with good armor for a light during the feat. The main idea of the list is start adding to Mechanithralls , use the feat for the charge and return fire. The key to this list is keeping Aiakos safe!
If the Sepulcher can get into a unit of bodies, and the Stitch thralls are in range you could easily keep your Mechanithralls full strength. Cygnar and Retribution might have the shots to kill a lot but if you think the enemy is going to try to kill them the feat can buy you some time to get there.
War Room Army
Cryx – BoLS Sepulcher Recursion
Theme: No Theme Selected
75 / 75 Army
Pirate Queen Skarre – WJ: +28
– Skarlock Thrall – PC: 4
– Helldiver – PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)
– Helldiver – PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)
– Helldiver – PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 3)
– Inflictor – PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)
Aiakos, Scourge of the Meredius – PC: 4
– Sepulcher – PC: 36
Mechanithralls – Leader & 9 Grunts: 10
Mechanithralls – Leader & 9 Grunts: 10
Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls – Necrosurgeon & 3 Grunts: 4
Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls – Necrosurgeon & 3 Grunts: 4
~What do you think of the Cryx colossal BoLS? Have a list you swear by? Share in the comments below.