Dark Kin VS. The Soulless Thousand Sons

Man Beard Painting has brought us another amazing army in the Thousand Sons; but can the waffle stomp Dark Eldar and a Knight?
1000 points of Thousand Sons are coming in with Ahriman versus a Knight Lancer with some Dark Eldar. It’s a full effect Beats lab.
We do the full army run down in the video.
I want to start out by saying, playing 1000 points is fun. These aren’t two hyper-competitive lists. If you’re playing a new guy or with a buddy who isn’t as competitive as you are this is something you two can do for a bit of fun; you don’t always have to go full throttle. This isn’t full venom spam. We’re playing Emperor’s will, aka tie-hammer, but I don’t think this is going to happen with this much maneuverability. I think this is an evenly matched game and psychic is going to come in clutch.
Now you see him.
Now you don’t.
So. Many. Colors.