Fritz’s Tabletop – 40K Exotic Unit Tactics

The Small, the Mediocre & the Naked – we continue our tactics series on winning at Warhammer 40K.
Continuing our tactical exploration of the 40K universe, this week we are going to explore winning with various units, how to use expensive points vs. small model count units, and how to pull off a naked deepstrike. Prepare for glory!
Some units in 40K are REALLY good- read auto-include, other are so bad they are better left on the shelf, while a few are neither good or bad- how do we use these?
Are you getting the most out of that small expensive point unit?
Deepstriking your units is a tactical options that you sometimes want to explore- let’s look at some ideas on dealing with the random of it and how to pull it off.
~See you on the table.