FW: Death From The Skies Update & More!

Forge World caught the flyer bug – It’s a free Imperial Armour Update for Death from the Skies & More!
Looks like Forge World decided to jump into the cockpit and start flying some of their own toys in this Summer of Flyers. We’ve got a Free Update to Imperial Armour for all your Forge World Flyers for use with Death from the Skies, a new Tau Flyer is up for Pre-Order and a new Tau Robot Bundle for all you fancy Fish-men out there:
via Forge World
If you’ve got a copy of the Death From the Skies expansion to Warhammer 40,000 and you’ve been wondering where the rule sare for your Forge World flyers, wonder no longer!
You can now download our Death from the Skies Imperial Armour Update – updated stats and flyer types for all of our Flyers, including the new Barracuda AX-5-2. It also includes completely updated rules for the Necron Night Shroud Bomber, Imperial Thunderbolt, and Lightning Strike-Fighter.
To combat the ever-increasing diversity of enemies faced by the expanding Tau Empire, the AX-5-2 Barracuda was developed as a multi-role fighter by the Earth Caste of the Vash’ya Sept. This new pattern maintained the unmatched agility and manoeuvrability of its forebears, but benefitted from an improved power grid and enhanced combat avionics systems, as well as a variable weapons fit so that it could be rearmed swiftly between missions.
The Tau Barracuda AX-5-2 is an advanced fighter suitable for both aerial combat and ground attack missions. It can be armed with a Heavy Burst Cannon, Barracuda Ion Cannon or Swiftstrike Railgun. It carries twin missile pods, multiple seeker missiles, a pair of Gun Drones mounted with either Long-barrelled Cyclic Ion Blasters or Long-barrelled Burst Cannon and a Decoy Drone.
All of these options are included for you to choose from when sending your Barracuda into battle. The kit features multiple fitting points for magnets which you may choose to use to allow you to easily swap weapons systems, and also optional raised or lowered landing gear. The detailed construction guide includes guidance on suitable magnet sizes you may wish to use.
This is a complete, multi-part resin model which includes a large oval flying base.
Download the Rules for the Barracuda AX-5-2 Right here from Forge World.
Tau Experimental Battlesuit Cadre £247
Tau Battlesuits come in many sizes. They are each flexible enough to take on many threats, and the Tau Empire has a vast number of styles of battlesuit to call on as the situation demands, each a deadly weapon of war, working at their best when supported by weapon equipped drones.
This bundle consists of one XV107 R’Varna Battlesuit, one XV109 Y’Vahra Battlesuit, one XV9 Battlesuit with twin linked burst cannon, one XV9 Battlesuit with phased ion guns, and one XV9 Battlesuit with fusion cascades.
Forge World Flyers – Look great and pack a punch!