Halo: Ground Command Now Shipping

You read that right… the day that Halo fans have been waiting for is here!
The folks at Spartan have been putting a lot of work into Ground Command – to make sure the tactical first-person-shooter feel you get in the Halo video games and the strategic real-time-strategy feel of Halo Wars come across in the table top experience. Spartan gave us an in depth look at at the game not too long ago. There is a lot to take in, but here’s a quick summary:
- Forces are made up of Battle Groups, which can be of varying types: UNSC Mechanised Battle Groups, Hunting Host Battle Groups, Armoured Battle Groups, and so on.
- Inside each Battle Group are Requisite Units that must be taken, then Build Rating limits are set to allow players to add in Optional Units later.
- Forces can (and should!) be made up of multiple Battle Groups.
- In narrative play, all Forces should be chosen after the Scenario is determined, allowing players to tailor their lists to fight out the mission.
- Terrain is placed by mutual consent and is designed for simple use and quick gameplay. There is a table generator included if mutual consent proves difficult.
- In Halo: Ground Command players have access to Generic Force Commanders that cost considerably less than narrative named Commanders. These Generic Force Commanders have Standard Orders and a Factional Order. They are the only Commander available in competitive play.
Now you can pick up the game and experience it yourself…
The Halo: Ground Command, Battle For Reach, 2-player box will start shipping this week, along with the Deluxe Token and Shadow Templates set. We can’t wait to hear what you think of the game!
Will you lead the stalwart UNSC in their defense of Reach? Or will you adopt the role of the Covenant with their alien invaders? The choice is yours as epic battles are waged on tabletops around the world. Who will win? You decide!
Stunningly detailed 1/100th scale miniatures, terrain, rulebook, dice, statistic cards are just some of the items included in this fantastic 2-player box. If you’ve not ordered yours yet, what are you waiting for?
Head over to their online store now!
Are you ready to command a UNSC or Covenant force to victory?