Infinity: Developer Interview with Carlos Bostria

BoLS brings you an original interview with Infinity Developer Carlos Bostria!
Dueling Accents
Below you have the condensed video of a very fun talk I had with lead Infinity Developer Carlos Bostria. I’ll start by apologizing for the poor sound quality, as we didn’t have a proper microphone on either end and the vagaries of trans-Atlantic Skype calls can be hard on the ear. Plus, I suspect an Interventor was hacking the call at some point.
I won’t apologize for our accents, though, because those are just amazing. This is where you get your pure, uncut geek, not watching those sellouts in Big Bang Theory!
For those who don’t have half an hour to listen to us mangling the Queen’s Own Language, here’s a quick TLDR:
- A unit usually takes around a year from designing the concept to having the finished model on your desk. Painter Angel Giraldez is a wizard that usually takes just 2 days to make the final product look its best.
- Developers don’t really go though the forums and fanbase requests when making new stuff, but since they play the game and are part of the larger community, the ideas usually end up aligning to a significant degree.
- CB has no plans for releasing further modeling aid products like bit packs, extra heads and such for kitbashing/personalizing. They tried it on a small scale with the tournament packs and it didn’t seem like a good focus of time/effort.
- Operation Icestorm met their expectations in a big way, and they are currently working on another big two-faction box in the same mold. Zipped lips on which factions will show up. (While this video was being edited, we learned that it’s gonna be Yu Jing and Haqqislam!)
- Bigger releases should stick to the formula of focusing on specific Sectorials for a while yet, to fill out factions with better options.
- Vedic ALEPH should get a big boost in the coming book; Vedic sectorial confirmed to have made the cut for it. Reworking of existing units and new ones. Garuda Tactbot specifically mentioned as one getting a big overhaul and new model.
- Number of models on the table is now stable, so no need to fear the game escalating out of the skirmish range. The price cuts of N3 and HS were due to reworking the algorithm that calculates what each stat is worth points-wise (each CC point used to cost as much as each BS point, for instance). They are happy with it now.
- With Heavy Infantry getting faster across the board in N3 and such, Medium Infantry are unofficially designed to be defensive base-guarding units/tricky specialists.
- The recent-edition boost to Haqqislam doctors was meant to make them as good at their hat (biomedical stuff) as Nomads are at theirs (hacking). Making sure each faction has a strong identity but retains the capabilities to do almost everything on the board is a big concern.
- Toughest rule to balance so far was the whole Impetuous thing. Everything that has to do with movement, forced or otherwise, is usually harder to balance. Even other stuff that seems tricky, like Impersonator, is easy in comparison.
That’s all for now Infinity fans.