Mynock Squadron: X-Wing Origins/Opens Meta

X-Wing U.S. Nationals and all eight System opens are now in the books! Welcome to episode XXIV.
Congratulations to Duncan Howard, 2016 U.S. National Champion! And an admiring salute to Jeff Berling for the epic feat of rocking three consecutive National level final tables. We review their squads, including Jeff’s brilliantly designed Dengaroo.
Then we dive into the seven European System Opens, examining their foreign metas from our domestic perspectives. Congratulations to each champion heading to London for the Star Wars Celebration throwdown!
[00:00:00] Intros and Beef
[00:06:50] Origins and Clegane/Dengaroo Discussion
[00:36:25] System Open Round Up
[01:00:21] Coruscant Invitational Squad Building
[01:17:32] Show Close
Ryan Farmer
Dee Yun
Dallas Parker
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