New Minis, Battle Barges, NERF Hvy Bolters & More!

It’s time to catch up with everything you missed this weekend in gaming – it was busy so let’s hit it!
40K Lore: The Astartes Battle Barges
Today loremasters we delve deep into the killers of worlds, and harbingers of death – the Battle Barges of the Space Marines.
GW: New Releases July 23 “Pricing & Links”
Age of Sigmar gets new Starter Boxes, a new Realm of Battle Board and a ton of new bases this week from GW!
FIRST LOOK – Age of Sigmar’s New Starter Sets
Come see the new starter releases for getting into Games Workshop’s Age of Sigmar on the CHEAP!
Painting Shattered Dominions the GW Way
Learn to paint up the massive Age of Sigmar Shattered Dominion – the GW WAY with Duncan! Break out your brushes and follow along.
Geekery: SDCC Madness – All New DC Trailers
Justice League, Wonder Woman, Lego Batman, and a Suicide Squad remix… lots to see!
40K Deep Thought – How Digital Should 40K Get?
A new edition of 40K is coming, and competing wargames are going more digital by the day. What should 40K do?
Geekery: Nerf Mega Mastodon is Totally a Heavy Bolter
Need to kill a cardboard xenos horde? Nerf has the gun for that…
Tabletop Crowdfunding Round-Up – July 24th
DreadBall, Armored Core, and more- Come check out this week’s tabletop Kickstarter highlights!
~Alright – now, your’e ready for the new week!