Privateer: New Releases For July

Every faction gets some token love and Baldur is back for Circle!
via Privateer Press
Baldur the Stonecleaver
A bastion of strength and resolve noted for his steadfast loyalty, Baldur the Stonecleaver is an unstoppable juggernaut on the battlefield.
SPECIAL NOTE: The model in this box represents the same figure as PIP 72002 in the game; however, the model in PIP 72091 is a new sculpt and therefore looks different from the model found in PIP 72002. The replaced model will no longer be available from Privateer Press beginning July 1, 2016.
Blackclad Stoneshaper
Blackclad stoneshapers are tasked with building the arcane constructs that serve the Circle Orboros. Fashioned from stone, wood, and carefully cut orbs of glowing crystal, their wold creations are animated through ancient rites and blood sacrifices.
The Iron Kingdom Chronicles: Acts of War I: Flashpoint
Forged in the fires of conflict, the Iron Kingdoms is a fantastic realm where the combined power of magic and technology thunders across a landscape shaped by war. Dominating the field of battle are rare individuals who have mastered both arcane and martial combat and who boldly lead mighty armies in the ongoing struggle to claim victory over these ancient lands.
An Untrustworthy Ally Is More Dangerous Than a Known Enemy
Lord General Coleman Stryker is one of the greatest heroes of the Iron Kingdoms. As a warcaster, Stryker leads the armies of Cygnar and commands the power of the mighty steam-powered automatons known as warjacks.
Chosen by his king to liberate the conquered lands of Llael from Cygnar’s long-standing enemy, the Empire of Khador, Stryker finds himself forced to work with one of his most bitter enemies—the exiled mercenary Asheth Magnus, a man to whom Cygnar’s king owes his life. Unchecked, Magnus could easily betray Stryker, undermine the mission, or even bring Cygnar to its knees. But to claim victory for his king, Stryker will have to find a way to put his faith in a man he can’t trust.
As the war against Khador and its own fierce commanders looms, Stryker’s success or failure will become the flash point that determines the fate of all the Iron Kingdoms.
Universal Corpse & Soul Tokens
Universal Effect Tokens—Blind, Knockdown, Shadow Bind, Stationary
Universal Effect Tokens: Fire, Corrosion, Disruption
Plus every faction got a new themed token set:
Cryx Token Set
Cygnar Token Set
Protectorate of Menoth Token Set
Khador Token Set
Retribution of Scyrah Token Set
Convergence of Cyriss Token Set
Mercenaries Token Set
Trollbloods Token Set
Circle Orboros Token Set
Legion of Everblight Token Set
Skorne Token Set
Minions Token Set
That is a LOT of tokens to go through. But now I’ll never run out of “you’re on fire” tokens…