Retro Corner: Storm of Chaos

Join us as we take a look at the Original Storm of Chaos Book!
Do you remember the first time Valten and Archaeon met? That is the question that Stable Abe and I (AdamHarry) have for you today! Games Workshop’s Storm of Chaos book shook the pillars of the Old World and set the stage for future conflicts. Check this out:
This book, The Storm of Chaos, was a precursor to the Endtimes series we got right before the Age of Sigmar launched. Originally published back in 2004, this book was the 6th edition version of those same events. The lore in this book was considered canon until the wrap-up events in 8th edition retconned it away. But we still remember!
Story-line wise this book was basically a round-up of the Storm of Chaos campaign as well as the conclusion. Before this book came out, Games Workshop had launched a global campaign with the three major forces of Order, Chaos and Orks & Goblins charging headlong into a conflict. Chaos was fairly dominate and it wasn’t looking good for the Empire. Actually, it looked like this could be the end of the Empire as we knew it.
The event was fairly popular and players from all over the world were participating in it. Everyone was excited about the results of the campaign. The book basically recapped those events and then the ending was to be based on the campaign results. But, while highly fitting, the ending did feel a bit scripted. We cover that in the video, but I’m sure if you remember the results it was a mix of hilarity and a touch of disappointment that GW didn’t follow through completely. Looking back, I now appreciate the ending but the lore never moved beyond the in story year of 2523 and the following editions basically reset the clock to before those events anyways.
Content wise, this book had a lot of powerful army lists inside of it for different factions. This was the book that really inspired me to try to build Grimor Ironhide’s Orc Horde. But an edition shift and other factors prevented me from ever completing it. That said, “Grimgor iz da best!” – Just ask Archaon.
*Spoliers Ahead – But I figure if you’re still reading you probably want to know what happened.*
The final pages of the story really left a lot open to interpretation: After Archaon wounds (perhaps mortally) Valten, he is quickly dispatched by Grimgor – but not killed. The Chaos Horde magically turns on itself (due to plot powers) and the Chaos forces (who were so dominate before) are routed. The Empire is in shambles and the Orcs decide that Grimgor is the best and also leave. In the Aftermath Valten is taken to a tent to heal. In the morning his body is gone. There were some clues pointing to Skaven intervention but there were also rumors that maybe the Empire’s former leader Karl Franz may have had something to do with it.
The Status Quo returns – the Empire is on defense, Chaos is a threat but it’s now “over there” somewhere again, and the Orcs are back to trying to establish that Grimgor is the best. And then 7th edition came and we started the cycle all over again.
*Spoilers over*
Overall, The Storm of Chaos event was actually pretty neat. GW had White Dwarfs with great content to support the campaign, player engagement was huge and the interaction was fantastic. Even though the events may have been retconned it’s something we see the echos of even today. In a strange way, maybe this event (and the dominance that Chaos showed) actually did influence GW to create the Endtimes for 8th edition. If they had followed through back in 6th, 7th edition’s story line might of looked a lot more similar to the Age of Sigmar one we have now. But now we’ll never know – Those mysteries are left behind in The Storm of Chaos…
I’d like to see an Archaon vs Grimgor duel now. I have a funny feeling it might go slightly differently.