RPG: Morgalad Fantasy – Try it for Free

This crunchy ruleset puts its focus on role playing and easy customization – take a look.
Independent publisher McNabb Games ran a successful Kickstarter for this ruleset last year, and now they’re let players try it out for free.
Morgalad is a fantasy RPG set in the Late Iron Age. It offers an old school crunchy design with a simple success/fail system that uses a dice pool mechanic. Character points gained in leveling up are used to upgrade and customize the dice pool. McNabb is planning on offering expansions that add new levels, creatures, and optional rules to the system. The overall goal is to [provide a good ruleset that allows players to shape their gaming world the way they want to.
A bit more on the mechanics:
The 4D6 System
The custom D6 system also allows players to roll 4 six sided dice (4D6). If a learned ability applies, they roll against a Difficulty Rating(DR) determined by the Host. If no learned ability applies, players will add +5 to the Difficulty Rating and roll an attribute challenge.
Magic and Combat
Magic is an arcane power channeled through those capable of learning to control it. Energy is utilized to keep up with spell use. Also magic has a chance to critically succeed or fumble.
The difficulty ratings range from easy, normal, difficult, advanced, and exceptional.
AdvertisementCombat works similar to spellcasting because it uses the standard 4d6 + any modifications vs opponents defenses. If the character’s actions exceeds their opponents defenses by 10 or more points then it is considered a critical success, and if the character fails by 10 or more points its considered a critical fumble.
Right now they’re offering the starter book for free so players can get a feel for the game…
The Morgalad Starter Book is your first tome, crafted to help guide you on the first steps of your journey into the unique and limitless world known as Terramydia. A quest begins at the small harbor town known as Losloth Port. Enter the realm as a brave warrior, a mystical magi, a wise priest, or a cunning rogue. Here you’ll find one book to encompass everything; Player’s Guide, Host’s Guide, and Creature Compendium, all within one cover. Everything you need to journey the limitless halls of adventure lies within. The only limitation is your own imagination. The Morgalad Fantasy Role-Playing Game Starter Book – Characters : 8 Pregenerated Characters ready to play. – Basic Rules : The basic rules to introduce you to Morgalad. – Adventures : 2 Exciting basic adventures. Morgalad is a tabletop role playing game set in a pre-medieval era in a world of high fantasy. Morgalad offers an alternative approach to the fantasy setting. With a new unique combat and magick system, Morgalad offers the old school high fantasy charm with a more narrative flair.
Download the Starter Book
Play a Solo Adventure
If you like the system the full rule book is available in multiple formats – $5 PDF, $10 Softcover, $20 Hardcover
Have you gotten a chance to try Morgalad? What do you think of it?