Stormcast, Ironjawz, Flesh-eaters NEW Battalions
5 Start Collecting boxes are out for Age of Sigmar and NEW Battalion Warscrolls are doing the rounds.
The Start Collecting boxes are perhaps the most successful product series GW has put out in years. Just a fantastic baragin and the perfect gateway drug into the game.
Think that to start playing Age of Sigmar you can purchase the $25 General’s Handbook and the $85 Start Collecting faction box of your choice and get playing.
This week saw new Start Collecting boxes for the following:
- Sylvaneth
- Stormcast Eternals
- Flesh-eater Courts
- Ironjawz
- Khorne Bloodbound
And the following three Warscrolls are doing the rounds all over the tubes.
We will have to wait a tad longer on the Sylvaneth and Bloodbound Battalions, but they should be along soon enough.
~Come on, what’s your favorite Grand Alliance? Order, Chaos, Death, or Destruction?