GW: Developer Chat & Art of Sylvaneth

Listen to a GW developer and enjoy the amazing artwork and contents of Battletome Sylvaneth.
Battletome Sylvaneth Developer Chat
Gaming with SylvanethThe Sylvaneth book is the first of new type of Battletome – featuring loads more rules content than any before.
James Hewitt, one of the team behind the rules section of the new book shares some of his thoughts on the book:
Posted by Warhammer Age of Sigmar on Sunday, July 3, 2016
Artwork of Battletome Sylvaneth
Artwork via GW and Black Library
Alarielle vs Bloodthirster – place your bets!
I really want to see that beetle take on Archaon’s mount.
Leaf-wings – you don’t see that everyday!
Sylventh is the first Battletome that is completely designed to work with the General’s Compendium, so it has all the special rules, equipment and points included to drop right into Pitched Battle play.
~ Take an honest look at what the old WFB Wood Elves and the new Age of Sigmar Sylvaneth. Do you think GW has done a good job here of updating the faction?