Wyrd: Miss Fire Preview

Wyrd Games is here to show off the 2016 Miss model – Miss Fire!
via Wyrd Games
This week’s Monday Preview is a look at 2016’s Miss model: Miss Fire. Miss Fire brings the explosive fun of Willie to a whole new group of players!
This is a special edition model and will first be making its appearance at GenCon, both in person and in the online store. More details will be forthcoming!
Come on over to our forum to discuss.
Miss Fire has some really mean abilities – then again, she’s tossing out dynamite like it’s candy so that would make sense! I like the sculpt of the model as well – anytime I see a “Penny-farthing” Bycycle I can’t help but giggle a bit. This one also happens to have a few bundles of explosive strapped to it just to up that cartoony feel.
Special Delivery coming through!