40K BREAKING: Rebirth of the Eldar

Farseer Kysaduras just foretold the Ancient Rebirth of the Eldar – come see Warhammer 40,000 fans!
Th GW Facebook page just put up this 40K teaser and it ties together a lot of the recent rumors and mini images we have seen:
Breaking it Down:
One shall walk the forked path, a threefold truth to weave the skein:
Nemesis of She Who Thirsts, Opener of the Seventh Way.
This is referring to someone who is a known enemy of Slaanesh who will begin this Rhana Dandra. This could be a Farseer, Avatar, Solitaire, or perhaps even Cegorach himself…
Long Dead souls gather behind
The rebirth of Ancient Days, Drinking, but not consuming;
Taking in, but giving new life.
This sounds like the birthing of Ynnead. As the process begins, the souls of the Eldar are being absorbed into something but not consumed. The rebirth of Ancient Days is referring to the times before Slaanesh when the souls of the Eldar would find reincarnation into new bodies after death, ensuring the races psychic balance and prosperity.
Breaking it Down:
Like Ghouls in the Dark, the wicked ones gather, drawn to a Tragedy Unfolding.
That sounds a lot like a reference to the Dark Eldar to me.
Warning twice-given across the span of time, Stifled by pride and Hatred.
This could still be the Dark Eldar, or perhaps mankind, Eldrad did warn of the Heresy after all…
The strands of fate shall grow taut at the dawn of the Rhana Dandra.
Everyone hold onto your hat – Eldar has officially called the Rhana Dandra – the Eldar “Great Final Battle Against Chaos”
The death of all Eldar looms large, but fate can be twisted, even broken.
All of this seems to tie into the plan of Ynnead the new Eldar god of the Dead,and the Harlequin’s great trick to in a stroke destroy Slaanesh and save their race.
Breaking it Down
So let’s take a look at exactly what we can glean from this teaser:
“All paths of fate have led us here”
Possibly a reference to Tzeentch involvement, or the actions of the Farseers themselves.
“We strike now not for vengeance but for a hope unknown until all others were lost”
Who knows, but I would think it’s an action that either is somehow tied to Ynnead the Eldar’s great hope against Slaanesh, or some other goal of striking against Chaos in a major way.
“The Black Watchmen will seek to bar us but we will not be denied”
A reference to the Deathwatch, or to the Black Legion as opponents – traditional Eldar enemies.
“Cegorach will laugh last and forever”
Clearly Harlequins are in the new Boxed Set.
“We make for Demensus”
Most likely the setting for the new campaign/expansion/etc…
~The Eldar are up to something BIG, that could decide the fate of the Great Enemy! Start speculating in 3,2,1…GO!