10 Things You Didn’t Know About CSM Villains

Admit it – the Chaos Marines have the greatest villains in the Grimdark – but they all have secrets buried in the depths of time!
OK here’s the deal. Score 1 point for each of these you know, and list your score in the comments:
Kharn: Now a paragon of bloody violence, Kharn once held deep loyalty to his fellow warriors. During the Heresy, Kharn cut off Erebus‘ hand and came moments from killing him in gladitorial combat to avenge the murder of his friend Argel Tal.
Fabius Bile: The mad butcher of the Chaos Marines was once the Chief Apothacary of the Emperor’s Children. Post Heresy, he cloned a full set of 20 horribly mutated Primarchs – before they were put to the torch by Abaddon.
Ahzek Ahriman: Was born on Terra, among the wealthy tribes of the Achaemenid Empire along with his twin brother Ohrmuzd who was killed by a Thousand Sons geneseed flaw early in the Great Crusade.
Ezekyle Abaddon: Recently earned the favor of Mortarion by acquiring the Chaos artifact known as the Hand of Darkness, which the Lord of the Death Guard sought to use to craft a Zombie Plague.
Typhus: Born Calas Typhon on the Death Guard’s eventual homeworld of Barbarus, he was a latent but self-suppressed psyker who possessed the blood of the warlords that had ruled the planet before being defeated by Mortarion.
Lucius the Eternal: Was never bested in swordplay; the only duel he is known to have lost was against Captain Garviel Loken of the Luna Wolves, who brought him down with a punch.
Jago Sevatarion: First Captain of the Night Lords was the first to utter the phrase “Death to the False Emperor“, a rally cry which would be used by the forces of Chaos for millennia to come.
Lufgt Huron, aka Huron Blackheart: Was once a loyal Space Marine Chapter Master. He is accompanied by a semi-intelligent creature of unknown nature, which he calls his Hamadrya – which allows him to manifest psychic powers.
Honsou: Iron Warriors Warsmith. Honsou’s gene-seed originated from “Honourable” Soulaka, an Iron Warriors Apothecary who was murdered during the Horus Heresy by Fabius Bile, who was then responsible for melding Soulaka’s gene-seed with that of an Imperial Fist, likely Captain Felix Cassander.
Erebus: First Chaplain of the Word Bearers is directly responsible for the Horus Heresy. Erebus refers to himself as the Hand of Destiny, the mortal instrument of the plans of the Ruinous Powers.
~How many did you know?