Deathwatch: GW’s Hilarious New Trailer

The Deathwatch loves it when a plan comes together!
You can’t say GW doesn’t have a sense of humor these days.
Now kids, sit back and let the nostalgia roll over you…
I’ll leave the creation of IC rules for all the Deathwatch A-Team members to you. We will be needing rules for:
- Hannibal (Watchmaster)
- Faceman (Clearly Infiltrate)
- Howling Mad Murdoch (Remember, he’s a pilot)
- B.A. Baracus (Feel No Pain, It Will Not Die for sure)
Luckily they already have a grimdark ride.
If anyone shows up at a tabletop with that, I’d even let it disembark out of Corvus Blackstar (with matching paintscheme).
~Get rules-writing!