Deathwatch: Prices and Products – CONFIRMED

Prepare your wallet. Deathwatch and the new boxed set are coming next week. Here’s the prices hot off the presses:
Industry insiders tell BoLS the following:
Warhammer 40,000 Death Masque: $150
Codex Deathwatch: $50
Deathwatch Datacards: $13.50
Deathwatch Dice: $20
Calgar’s Siege (black library novel): $27
Look for these to go up for preorder this Saturday (August 6th) and hit the shelves the following weekend (August 13th).
That’s a standard hardcover codex price and a big boxed set coming in right around the level of the recent offerings like Betrayal at Calth and Deathwatch Overkill.
With the contents listed here: this box represents a massive savings of nearly $250 or almost 66% off the price of buying the contents individually!
~ Ohh, Eldrad vs Artemis – that’ll be good!