Eternal Crusade: Into the Warp #74 – Orks Inbound!

The Green Tide is HERE – The Orks have come to Eternal Crusade!
via Eternal Crusade
Nathan Richardsson, Brent Ellison, and Katie Fleming recently gave a Production Update (Beard update, weapon mods, Ork classes & weapons, and Ork vehicles), played live with Crusaders, and answered Q&A!
It’s still all Early Access – footage and everything else is still subject to change!
The Orks have finally arrived and are looking mean as ever! They are wider and stockier than the other races and they have much larger weapons and completely different animations. Not all of the Ork Features were 100% done (as is the case with this early access build) but they are ready to WAAAGH!
The video showcased 3 classes – Shoota, Loota, and Storm Boys. They also mentioned Painboys and Weird boys are in the works too. There was also a preview of the Ork Battlewagon in the video – although the colors were far from finalized.
If you like what you see and want to jump in NOW you can join their early access program – just remember it’s not done yet but they are working on it and constantly improving!
Dial 1-800-WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! And Support your local Ork!