Eternal Crusader: Into the Warp #75 – World Building

The crew at Behavior is back with an update about the World Map & more Orky news!
via Eternal Crusade
Brent Ellison, Katie Fleming, and Xavier Koubi recently gave a Production Update (World map, guilds/banners, and Orks), played Eternal Crusade live with Crusaders, and answered Q&A!
It’s still all Early Access – footage and everything else is still subject to change!
The new Guild system looks neat – being able to leave your mark on the map seems like something I could get behind. Also, I’m liking all the changes to the world map and how things are going to shape-up. It adds some context to why and where you are fighting.
If you like what you see and want to jump in NOW you can join their early access program – just remember it’s not done yet but they are working on it and constantly improving.
Lots of comparisons to Planetside 2…that’s not a bad thing either.