Infinity Batrep: Aleph vs Yu Jing - Bell of Lost Souls
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Infinity Batrep: Aleph vs Yu Jing

2 Minute Read
Aug 21 2016


A group of well armed ninjas takes on Big Brother in this batrep.

Infinity recreates Direct Action operations, high-stakes missions in the battlefront or behind enemy lines, where victory or death are a trigger pull away. Players command a small group of elite soldiers, chosen for their adequacy to the mission parameters at hand. Each battle calls for a different composition, and building an effective team from hand-picked members of different regiments is key to a successful operation.

Infinity is a groundbreaking, dynamic system that allows you to make meaningful, fun choices throughout the entire game sequence, and gives you the tools to implement any number of strategies with realism and flexibility.

In this batrep from Guerrilla Miniature Games Devyn’s Aleph battle Ash’s Vanilla Yu Jing in Mid-Tier SAFE AREA from Infinity Tournament System 2016. Let’s see who claims victory!

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infinity art

Interesting in picking up Infinity?


Check out the quick start rules here, and start playing today!


Alright, all you arm chair generals out there, how would you have played this game differently?

Author: Mars Garrett
  • Dark Age Batrep: Prevailers vs Skaard