Mantic: Warehouse Sale – KoW, Warpath, & More

Mantic is cleaning house, and there are a bunch of great deals to be had.
The folks at Mantic need to make room for a big delivery of Kickstarter products – and you get to benefit!
Mars Attacks – The Miniatures Game – £29.99
Forge Father Army Set – £19.99
Mantic Sci-Fi Taster – £49.99
Whether you are long-term Mantic Fanatic, or just wanting to try things out, this is the set for you. We put together over 70 models from every single Deadzone Faction, DreadBall, DreadBall Xtreme and Mars Attacks, too so you can get a few miniatures from everything to try them for yourself!
Elf Stormwind Cavalry Bundle – £49.99
Mantic Fantasy Taster – £49.99
Whether you are long-term Mantic Fanatic, or just wanting to try things out, this is the set for you. We put together over 70 models from every single Kings of War army, LOKA and Dungeon Saga, too so you can get a few miniatures from everything to try them for yourself!
Click Here to See More Great Deals!