REVIEW: The New Deathwatch Codex is Great

Come see the newest rules, and go inside the cover for our first look review of the new Deathwatch codex for Warhammer 40k!
If you ever wanted to play an army of the Emperor’s all stars, well now is you chance. Come see the newest codex for Warhammer 40k that features tons of new rules for the game, as well as some great looking new miniatures!
Overall the new Deathwatch gear is fresh and the mechanics are all outside of the normal 40k box. From their new “Kill Team” formation mechanic to the ability to all deep strike from their Decurion, this book will leave you coming back for more.
The normal sized 110 page codex book also features lavish graphics and over-leafs of amazing painted miniatures to leave you speechless.
Oh and that flyer, holy cow does that look dope!
Take a closer look at the new codex below, and get ready to become one with the Ordo Xenos.
Oh and we also review the new datacards, and some dice that seem to roll really well, almost as if blessed by the Emperor himself!
Codex: Deathwatch $50
Suffer not the alien to live.
AdvertisementThe elite amongst the elite, carefully selected and recruited for their exceptional abilities, the Deathwatch are a thin black line, a sentinel that stands between the Imperium and alien threats unimaginable. Always outnumbered – such is the staggering scale of the hordes they face – this noble brotherhood has stood stout against countless invasions, and will face countless more.
Organised into small, elite companies plucked from Space Marine Chapters that have pledged a tithe of their strength in the struggle against the alien, the Deathwatch counts only heroes amongst its ranks. Each member has been hailed as an expert in his field even before his training as a Deathwatch operator has begun. His armour painted the blackest of hues, his Chapter icon intact upon his pauldron as a mark of respect to the Chapter that made him, the Deathwatch Space Marine and his highly-specialised Kill Team descend to the edge of destruction, there to repel whatever dire threat they face.
This 112-page, full-colour hardback Codex features:
- comprehensive information on the Deathwatch fortresses that defend the Imperium and the elite Space Marines that man them;
- rules for the Deathwatch miniatures, including unique army-building rules for building any of several Kill Teams suited to your play style, your collection and the task at hand – for example, a Furor Kill Team is perfect for brutal close assault with its Terminators, whereas a Venator Kill Team focuses on bikes, perfect for closing down and destroying faster enemies;
- 3 sets of 6 Tactical Objectives, representing the many different tasks of the Deathwatch; uniform guides and information on the heraldry of Deathwatch Kill Teams, and a number of their fortresses;
- a showcase of stunning Citadel Deathwatch miniatures.
Overall I think this is a great new codex book that will probably see play in both competitive and casual games the world over!