40K: Genestealer Cult “Limo” Revealed

Pics of the Genestealer Cult’s “Limo” have been seen in the wild. Come take a look!
A “Limo” it is not. I’ll let the pictures do the talking:
via Games Workshop (iTunes)
It’s pretty clear that there are two different variants of the new vehicle. One looks like the art work – big, boxy and has troopers riding in the back. The other looks to have more weapon platforms and a VERY LARGE dozer blade with more rotating grinder/blade things. I’m getting a “Total Recall” vibe from these things for sure!
via ImAGeek
We now have a name for the “Limo” – it’s called a Goliath! And the dozerblade variant is called the “Goliath Rockgrinder” which is perfect! I’m really liking the utility vehicle look of this new Truck. It certainly does look like a cousin to the Taurox and distant relative of the Ork Trukks. I can dig it!
You know, now that I started thinking about that whole Total Recall vibe something hit me. Genestealers have those long, weird hands right?
Well doesn’ those fingers remind you of something else from Total Recall:
That tells me Genestealers were on MARS! You know who else is on Mars? Adeptus Mechanicus. The Genestealer Cult IS the Adeptus Mechanicus!
I mean, technically they ARE Aliens…but you know what I mean.
Hey – We can all stop calling it the “Limo” Now! It’s a Goliath!