40k: Kill Team – Tips & Tricks

We’re back with a rules breakdown and tips & tricks for playing the new 40k Kill Team game!
Your Kill Team is a basic detachment and consists of 0-2 Troops, 0-1 Elites, and 0-1 Fast Attack, however it can never be more than 200 points. But it has to be at least four different models because you need a leader and you have to have three specialists to give the Specialist Tactics to.
Old rules returning from 4th Edition:
- 33 Armor Value Restriction
- No 2+ Save models
- No over 3 Wound Models
- Each Model Operates Separately
New Rules:
- 3 or more Hull point model restriction
- No flyers
Plus up to 3 models can take just take specialist abilities (no rolls required), while one leader gets a separate traits chart to roll on that can affect the whole kill team itself.
From there there’s custom missions to help or hinder your team, and two specially made datasheets that Games Workshop has made to make open box games east.
Your three specialists you pick must pick abilities off the specialist tables but each pick off of a different table, i.e. you may not double up.
There are codex exceptions for Kill Team missions. For instance, in the Ork codex the Mob Rule special rule is not used in Kill Team. I could argue that the Mob Rule should not be used in regular 40k games as well…
Checkout all our Tips & Tactics below!
Pick up KillTeam here:
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team: $65
~Make sure to check out the video above for our full rules breakdown and tips & tricks for Warhammer 40k: Kill Team. Also make sure to head over to Games Workshop and get your own Kill Team setup!