A Behind Scenes Look at Working at WotC

Get a look at what it’s like to work on D&D and MtG with Mitzy the Dragon!
Giaco Furino of Vice recently took a tour of Wizard’s HQ in Washington state. He got a full walk through of the offices – the unassuming office park building is filled with playtesting space, dragons, knights, and all the things fans have come to love about the games made there. Furino talked to principal story designer Chris Perkins and head of IP Mike Mearls about working on Volos Guide to Monsters.
“We took a bunch of creatures like gnolls, goblins, trolls, and we asked why?” explains Mearls. “Why are they the way they are? In this post- Game of Thrones world of fantasy, you can’t just say ‘Oh, they’re evil.'”
They go on to talk about the entire design process – from the pitch to printing. Perkins’ most visible role in the company is leading great games for us to enjoy on the net, but he also works tirelessly behind the scenes to perfect the adventures we play at home.
Furino also talks to developers about the future of MtG. It’s a really interesting look at what it’s like to work in the industry – read the rest of the article here.
Volo’s Guide to Monsters – $49.95
Explore the breadth of D&D’s monsters in this immersive 224-page volume filled with beautiful illustrations and in-depth lore.
- Dive deep into the story behind D&D’s most popular and iconic monsters, including beholders, mind flayers, and the yuan-ti, as well as classics like orcs, gnolls, and kobolds.
- Gain access to rules and story for dozens of monsters new to fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons, such as the froghemoth, the neogi, and the vargouille.
- Open up new race options, including the goblin, the orc, and the firbolg.
Are you using any of the new monsters in your games?