D&D: Feedback on Feats

Last month’s survey results are in… what do players think of the feats?
A couple months back we published an article presenting possible new feats focused on weapons and tools. Overall, I’m happy to report that the majority of you seemed really happy to see some additional variety in feats that might possibly be available in a future product, and a goodly number of you indicated that you’d be interested in using many of these feats in your games. Let’s take a look at some “general-specifics.”
As weapon mastery feats go, Spear Mastery and Fell Handed received high marks, while Blade Mastery and Flail Mastery weren’t quite as well received. Based on this, I’d say that quite a lot of fighters are looking for a little something to extend their reach in melee combat, and that we might want to tinker a bit more with options for the sword and flail.
- Among the tool feats, the Alchemist and Gourmand feats had very high marks, while the Master of Disguise and Burglar feats received a rather lukewarm reception. With the pervasive popularity of network cooking shows, it is no wonder that you’d rather have your heroes whipping something up in the kitchen (or lab), then performing illicit acts of skullduggery.
All of the feedback we received has been extremely helpful. We’re all looking for something a little fresher in our feats, whether it is in field of martial prowess, or in how to maximize an adventurer’s effectiveness with the tools of the adventuring trade. Feats that presented ideas more closely associated to familiar game concepts didn’t seem to do as well as those having something new to add to the game.
As we continue to work out what our first major rules expansion to fifth edition might look like, feedback like this is incredibly useful in helping us push those boundaries without breaking something that we already enjoy. Since filling gaps in the game is a focus for that project, we hope to pepper you with even more opportunities to provide feedback on our efforts in the very near future.
This month Wizards wants to know your thoughts on their current Dungeon Master’s Screen, and the other tools you use when you run your games…
Take the Survey